Conductivity fluctuation in the high temperature
superconductor with planar weight disparity Y0.5Sm0.5Ba2Cu3O7-
E. W. Barrera, M. P. Rojas Sarmiento, L. F. Rincón, D. A.
Landínez Téllez, J. Roa-Rojas *
Grupo de Física de Nuevos Materiales, Departamento de
Física, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, A.A. 14490, Bogotá DC, Colombia
email: J. Roa-Rojas (
*Correspondence to J.
Roa-Rojas, Phone: +571 316 5000 Ext. 13032, Fax: +571 3165135
Funded by:
Colombian agency; Grant Number: 1101-333-187-07
de Excelencia en Nuevos Materiales; Grant Number: 043-2005
74.25.Fy • 74.40.+k • 74.72.Bk
The synthesis of the Y0.5Sm0.5Ba2Cu3O7-
superconducting material by the standard solid state reaction is reported. DC
resistivity measurements reveal the improvement of the critical temperature
(Tc) when substitution of exact 50-50 mix of Yttrium and Samarium
is performed. A bulk Tc = 101 K was determined by the criterion of
the maximum in the temperature derivative of electrical resistivity.
Structure characterization by means the x-ray diffraction technique shows the
crystalline appropriated distribution of Yttrium and Samarium to create
substantial planar
weight disparity (PWD) in alternating layers. This PWD increases Tc
in copper-oxide superconductors. In order to examine the effect of PWD on the
pairing mechanism close to Tc, conductivity fluctuation analysis
was performed by the method of logarithmic temperature derivative of the
conductivity excess. We found the occurrence of Gaussian and genuinely
critical fluctuations. Our results are in agreement with reports on YBa2Cu3O7- ,
but an enhancement of the Gaussian fluctuation regimes was experimentally
detected as a result of the PWD. The correlations of the critical exponents
with the dimensionality of the fluctuation system for each Gaussian regime
were performed by using the Aslamazov-Larkin theory. The genuinely critical
exponent is interpreted by the 3D-XY model as corresponding with the
dynamical universality class of the E-model. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH
& Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
Received: 16 October 2006; Revised: 13 March 2007; Accepted:
30 May 2007
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
10.1002/pssc.200675923 About DOI