E. Joe Eck
Personal-Best SETI Results
The above graph shows some of the best gaussians (large black dots)
that I have been able to screen-capture before uploading the results. They are all within
what is described as the "interesting region". The blue dots are the results of others
plotted by the SETI people. It appears there may have been a problem with early versions of SETI software based on a gap in the blue dots - which was later rectified.
Below is the best gaussian I have seen to date. It has a "fit" of 1.177.
I have deemed the below plot
my best triplett - not because of the 10.63 power,
but because the pulses follow the bell-shaped curve.
Since 1999 my SETI totals have reached over 11,391,000 Cobblestones. And, including Einstein@Home, my "BOINC" credits now exceed 700,000,000. I belong to the Wichita State University SETI Watchers. Our group provided a $500 prize to the individual who uploaded the 500-millionth SETI work unit. This milestone was reached on May 2, 2002, shortly after 1000 UTC by a young woman named Milada from the Czech Republic. Click the below icon to go to our group page at SETI.

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