S u p e r c o n d u c t o r
Demonstration Kits and Materials

Arbor Scientific resells an economy Superconductive Component Kit (P8-9701) based on YBa2Cu3O7, for educational demonstrations of the Meissner effect and more. Phone toll-free in the USA 800-367-6695. Arbor Scientific, P. O. Box 2750, Ann Arbor, MI. 48106, USA. E-mail: helpdesk@arborsci.com

Carolina Biological Supply sells a BSCCO levitation kit (#756541) for educational demonstration of the Meissner effect and more. Phone toll-free in the USA 800-334-5551. Carolina Biological Supply Company, 2700 York Road, Burlington, NC 27215-3398  E-mail: quotations@carolina.com

CAN Superconductors is a Czech company that sells educational kits demonstrating the Meissner effect and superconductivity basics. Contact CAN SUPERCONDUCTORS, s.r.o., Ringhofferova 66, 251 68 Kamenice, tel. +420 323 619 965or E-mail: info@can-superconductors.com

Haines Educational is an Australian company that provides science and math products for students and teachers. They sell a simple superconductivity demonstration kit that features YBCO, which will become superconductive at liquid nitrogen temperatures. Phone +61 (3) 8736 6000. Haines Educational, 52 Gilbert Park Drive, Knoxfield VIC 3180, E-mail: sales@haines.com.au

INDOSAW is an Indian company that manufactures, distributes and exports science teaching equipment for schools, colleges, universities, and technical institutions. They sell simple superconductivity experimenter's kits that can measure the transition temperature of a high temperature superconductor as well as demonstrate the Meissner-Ochsenfeld effect. Phone +91-171-2699347 (or 2699267). INDOSAW INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS PVT. LTD., P.O. Box No. 42, Osaw Complex Jagadhri Road, Ambala Cantt-133001, Haryana (INDIA) E-mail: eenquiry@indosaw.com, mktg2@indosaw.com

Flinn Scientific sells a simple superconductivity demonstration kit, item #AP1489, but will only ship to schools, museums and science centers. Phone toll-free 800-452-1261. Flinn Scientific, P.O. Box 219 Batavia, IL 60510, E-mail: flinn@flinnsci.com

Quantum Levitation sells a 4-Point Tc Experiment Kit based on Bi-2223, for measuring the critical transition temperature of a superconductor and another kit for levitation. Prices are quite high (typically $500 - $750). The company has locations in both Israel and the USA. E-mail: info@quantumlevitation.com or sales@quantumlevitation.com

[Last page rev: May 2024]