Superconductor News

     Between 1986 and 1994 most advances in the field of superconductivity related to the discovery of new superconductor "systems" and compounds. In recent years, except for the discovery of several atypical superconductors, superconductor news has been mainly about novel ways to employ the new generation of ceramic superconductors, innovative fabricating techniques and new PWD (planar weight disparity) superconductors. Those stories with a flashing arrow  are currently the most popular with readers.


       Record Superconductivity Near 157K in a High-VF Copper-Oxide - 03/10/2025 

       Microsoft Introduces the First Topological Superconductor Chip: Majorana 1 - 02/19/2025 

       Dielectric Constant Confirmed as a Robust Tc-Enhancement Mechanism - 02/16/2025


       Faster-Than-Light Communications for Terrestrial Applications - 07/21/2024

       Superconducting Laser Detector Communicates Across 140 Million Miles - 4/25/2024

       A Superconductor With A Control Function - 04/4/2024

       Superconductor Analog Leads to Breakthrough in Low-Phase-Shift Active Filters - UPDATED 03/16/2024


       Exascale Supercomputers Coming Online To Advance Superconductor Science - 11/17/2023

       Scientists Say LK-99 Not A Room-Temperature Superconductor - 08/16/2023

       Mysterious Demon Quasi-Particle Found in a Superconductor - 08/11/2023

       Artificial Intelligence Supports Claim of Room-Temperature Superconductivity - 06/03/2023

       A Superconductor to Protect Astronauts Going to Mars - 05/29/2023 

       Magnesium Doping Increases YBCO Tc to 100 Kelvin - 04/05/2023 

       Team Throws Cold Water on N-doped Lutetium Hydride as Near RT Superconductor - 3/16/2023

       A New High Tc for Elemental Superconductors Under Pressure - 3/2/2023


       Reconciling SuperExchange with Planar Weight Disparity - 12/22/2022 

       Davis Group Claims to Have Identified Cuprate Superconductivity Mechanism - 11/18/2022

       IBM Improves the World's Largest Superconductor-Based Quantum Processor - 11/10/2022

       H3S and Other Superhydrides May Not Be Superconductive After All - 08/10/2022

       Scientists Create True Josephson Diode - 05/2022

       Coupled Superconducting Circuits Measure Quantum Entanglement - 01/22/2022


       From Cooper Pairs to Cooper Quadruplets - 10/18/2021

       Finding Stability in the New SuperHydrides - 7/1/2021

       An Analog to Superconductivity in Active Filters - 02/22/21


       A New Spin on Superconductivity: G-Wave - 9/21/20

       Edge Supercurrent: A Different Sort of Superconductivity - 6/11/20

       Exiton Condensate: A Theoretical Analog to a Superconductor - 2/21/20

       Evidence for Spin Fluctuations Contributing to HTSC - 2/03/20


       Scientists Discover Elastic Superconductor - 10/23/19

       Topological Superconductor Makes Possible Quantum Computing - 08/17/19

       Record Strong Mini-Magnet Created Using Superconductive Tape - 06/13/19

       Using AI to Evolve Improved Superconductors - 05/24/19

       US Navy Files Patent for Room Temperature Superconductor - 02/22/19

       Lanthanum-Hydride Edges Toward Room Temperature - 01/15/19


       A New Type of Superconductor Discovered - 04/09/18

       Probing Superconductivity with "Magic-Angle" Graphene - 03/07/18

       Superconductivity up to 251K in Actinium Hydride Under High Pressure - 02/18

       Positive Feedback Reinforces Superconductivity in the Cuprates - 1/18/18


       Computer Simulation Predicts Stripes in HTS Cuprates - 12/01/17

       Warm Superconductivity Gives Way to Hot Superconductivity - 9/07/17 

       A New Phenomenon in the Physical Sciences - 7/19/17 with UPDATE 10/11/18 

       Reformulated Superconductors Yield New Thermoelectric Oxides - 7/10/17

       SLAC Scientists Confirm Strong Electron-Phonon Link to Superconductivity - 07/06/17

       Ultimate Validation of Planar Weight Disparity: RT Superconductivity Using Zinc - 4/23/17

       Theoretical Superconductivity Size Limit Confirmed - 03/20/17

       Mystery Superconductor Comes to Earth Embedded in a Meteorite - 02/17

       Metallic Hydrogen Finally Created - 1/26/17

       Milestone Superconductivity Above 200 Celsius - 1/02/17


       Vanadium-Dioxide Proves Best Anion Above 100°C - 12/16/16

       Supercold Bismuth Puts BCS Theory in Jeopardy - 12/02/16

       The Most Synergistic Room-Temperature Superconductor - 11/21/16

       A Recipe for Making Superconductive Oxides - 11/01/16

       Room-Temperature Superconductivity From Only 9 Atoms - 10/18/16

       Reformulating MgB2 as an Oxide Doubles Tc - 10/08/16

       Truncated YBCO Produces High-VF Superconductivity Using Trivalent Non-Rare Earths - 10/01/16

       The First Scandium High-Temperature Superconductor | with Reentrant Behavior - 09/18/16

       YBCO Without Copper is Still Superconductive! - 08/24/16

       HTS Theory Gets A Boost from Rare Earth Metals - 08/11/16

                 Blistering Hot Superconductivity at 167C, 178C and 187C - 07/26/16

       Surprising Zinc Superconductor Lends Support to +2,+1 Theory - 07/18/16

       A Room-Temperature Superconductor With Just 3 Elements - 06/29/16 

       +2,+1 Metals and Oxygen Equals HTSC | Theory Takes Shape - 06/19/16

       Room Temperature Superconductivity without Copper - 06/07/16

       The First Ternary High Temperature Superconductor - 05/28/16

       A New HTSC Analog to the Copper Oxides - 05/13/16 

       Reformulating BSCCO and TBCCO for Higher Tc - 04/04/16 

       2-D Boron Found To Be A Superconductor | No Pressure Required - 03/31/16

       A New Infinite Layer Superconductor System | with Tc's Above 180 Kelvin - 03/08/16

       Shaming the Scientific Community with Record Superconductivity - 02/20/16

       Laser Light Improves Buckyball Superconductivity - 02/09/16

       Advancing High Tc for Copper-Chain Superconductors via Cadmium Pyroniobate - 02/01/16


       A Room-Temperature Superconductor Without BaCuO Endcaps - 12/12/15

       YBCO Reformulated for Room-Temperature Superconductivity - 11/10/15  

       ORNL Confirms HTSC Arises From Oxygen Ions - 09/30/15

       Room-Temperature Superconductors 28, 29 and 30 | Via 5b Metals - 08/27/15

       Superconductor Facilitates Artificial Magnetic Wormhole - 08/21/15

       Achieving Room-Temperature Superconductivity Using Only 4 Elements - 07/05/15

       Superconductivity Near 203K in Compressed Hydrogen Sulfide - 06/26/15

       Superconductivity Above 140C | Temperatures Hot Enough to Melt Solder - 05/16/15

       A New State of Superconductive Matter - 05/12/15

       Mott Transitions Confirm 120C Superconductor - 03/20/15

       The First 400 Kelvin Superconductor | Over 100 Degrees Above RT - 03/09/15

       Planar Weight Disparity After Ten Years:  High Tc Reaches 119 Celsius - 02/01/15

       MIT Researchers Discover Universal Law of Superconductivity - 01/11/15


       Possible Superconductivity Near 190K in Compressed H2S - 12/10/14

       Inverse Proximity Effect via High Dielectric Constant - FeSe Goes Above 100K - 11/24/14

       Milestone Superconductivity Above 100 Celsius - One for the Record Books - 11/05/14

       Computational Model Predicts Superconductivity - 11/3/14

       Superconductivity Goes Above 95C - Throwing Down the Gauntlet - 10/12/14

       Mother of Higgs Boson Found in Superconductors - 09/05/14

       3 New Variants of TeBCO | and an Improved Synthesis Method - 08/28/14

       Tracking Quantum Particles Using Superconductors - 08/06/14

       Resistance Tests Confirm Hardened 77C Superconductor - 06/14/14

       Supplemental Resistance Tests Confirm 65C Superconductor - 05/03/14

       Ultra-Fast Laser Reveals Charge Stripes' Role in HTSC - 04/16/14

       More Support for Room Temperature Superconductivity in Background Noise - 03/31/14

       77C: Colossal Dielectric Constant Produces Colossal Tc - 02/14/14

       65C Superconductivity Achieved By Increasing Dielectric Constant - 01/29/14


       Partial Confirmation of Room-Temperature Superconductivity at O.R.N.L. - 12/26/13

       A Freezer Temperature Superconductor that uses Tantalum - 12/24/13

       53C Superconductivity:  An Upper Limit for the Copper Oxides? - 11/28/13

       A New Low-Temperature Nitride Superconductor - 11/4/13

       Pushing PWD to Make a 48C Superconductor - 10/29/13

       The First Computer-Designed Superconductor - 10/08/13

       Record Superconductivity Hits 42 Celsius | Tweaking the Elasticity Modulus - 09/10/13

       High Tc Superconductivity Record Reaches 38C - 07/29/13

       A Theory That Explains Planar Weight Disparity - 05/26/13

       TeBCO: A New Copper Chain Superconductor Family - 04/16/13

       Electrons Alone Can't Explain Cu Superconductivity - 03/19/13

       Silicon Substitution Advances High Tc Above 35C - 01/31/13


       High Tc Goes Above 30C - 12/29/12

       A New 104K YBCO Variant with Unusual Transition Curve - 11/07/12

       RTSC in Graphite Interface? - 09/12/12

       Commercializing the First Room-Temperature Superconductor:  A Bleak Outlook - 05/05/12 

       Magnetic Josephson Effect Observed - 04/19/12

       Electronic vs. Phononic Contributions to Cooper-Pairing - 03/29/12


       Room-Temperature Superconductivity in a Copper-Oxide - 12/06/11 

       Planar Weight Disparity:  Essential to HT Superconductivity? - 10/15/11

       American Superconductor Destroyed for a Bribe - 09/21/11

       Evidence for the First Topological Superconductor - 08/04/11

       Electron Clouds Mediate Superconductivity in the Pnictides. - 06/17/11

       Unethical Behavior in the Superconductor Community - 06/13/11
                              And Elsevier Publishing Refuses to Print a Correction

       Pseudogap - A New State of Matter? - 03/24/11

       Superconductivity Observed Near 20 Celsius - 03/17/11

       Superconductivity Found in Neutron Stars - 02/24/11

       New Support for Phonon Mediation in High Temperature Superconductors - 01/31/11

       Laser Light Triggers Superconductivity - 01/14/11


       Milestone Superconductivity Above 0 Celsius - 12/26/10

       A New High Tc for Calcium-Doped YBCO:  107K - 11/20/10

       Strange Magnetism Appears with Heavy Doping - 11/17/10

       World Record Superconductivity Approaches 265 Kelvin - 10/24/10

       A Short-Lived Superconductivity Record of 258K - 10/14/10

       Fractals Boost Superconductivity - 08/13/10

       A YBCO Mystery: No Increase in Magnetic Tc - 07/24/10

       Possible RTS in a Metal-PZT Interface - 07/20/10

       Oxygen Site Disorder Found in the Pseudogap Phase - 07/14/10

       A Superhard Superconductor | BC5 Structure with Boron - 06/24/10

       Calcium Doping YBCO to Increase Tc | 99K and 96K with Higher Jc - 04/14/10

       Y358 Discovery by Superconductors.ORG Leads to 7 New YBCO Variants - 03/31/10

       The World's Smallest Superconductor Discovered - 03/29/10

       A Superconductor Without Fixed Tc - 03/16/10

       Superconductors Could Simulate the Brain - 03/05/10

       A Surprising New Hydrocarbon Superconductor - 03/03/10

       Entanglement Supports Very High Tc Superconductivity - 02/11/10
            Physicists Discover How to Entangle at High Temperatures


       Y358 Discovery by Superconductors.ORG Confirmed by Sharif University - 12/2/09

            1.    Newest article in European Physical Journal B   (as PDF file)
            2.    Physica C article   (as PDF file)
            3.    Original article from June 2008

       A Step Toward Tunable Superconductors - 10/29/09

       Superconductor World Record Surpasses 250K - 10/10/09

       Superconductivity Record Tops 240K - 05/18/09

       Europium Becomes Superconductive Under Pressure - 05/15/09

       High-Tc Jumps 15 Degrees to 233K - 03/24/09

       Coaxing YBCO Above 175K - 03/03/09

       The First "Type 1.5" Superconductor Discovered - 02/17/09

       218K Superconductor Signature Resolved - 01/29/09


       200K Superconductor Tweaked to 212K - 11/30/08

       The First 200K Superconductor and a New Superconductor Family - 10/15/08

       Interface Superconductivity: Synergy Between an Insulator and a Metal - 10/8/08

       Prediction of Superconductivity in Transition Metal Chalcogenide Oxides - 9/28/08

       A Quantum Traffic Jam in HT Superconductors - 8/27/08

       A Theory to Explain Iron Pnictide Superconductivity - 8/13/08

       195K: Milestone Superconductivity at Dry Ice Temperatures - 7/17/08

       Y358 Ultra YBCO - Over 100K Without Extra Elements - 6/3/08

       Pnictide Superconductivity over 50K in a Non-Copper-oxide | Abstract,   Full PDF - 5/20/08

       Phonons Fail to Explain High-Temp Superconductivity - 4/23/08

       Superconductor Antithesis: A Superinsulator - 4/2/08

       185K: The First Ambient Temperature Superconductor | Antarctica is Cold Enough - 3/14/08


       175K Superconductivity Discovered - 10/3/07

       Two New "Infinite Layer" Superconductors | A Challenge to YBCO - 8/31/07

       A New High-Tc for Pb-based Superconductors. - 7/26/07

       Superconductor Makes Possible "Heat Transistor" - 07/13/07

       The First High-Temperature Reentrant Superconductor ? - 5/22/07

       Lithium Superconducts at 0.4 mK | No Pressure Required - 05/10/07

       A Solution to Building Non-Stoichiometric Structures: Make Them One Atom at a Time - 4/08/07

       PWD 2 Years Later: 20 New Superconductors and Counting - 3/05/07

       Strain-Dependent Jc Found in YBCO - 2/15/07


       Silicon Becomes A Superconductor | A Little Boron Does the Trick - 11/22/06

       One-of-a-Kind "Resonant" Superconductor Discovered - 9/19/06

       Superconducting Qubits May Enable Quantum Computing - 9/08/06

       3rd Type of Planar Weight Disparity Found to Enhance Tc - 8/17/06

       Boson-Mediated Electron Pairing Observed in HT Superconductors - 8/03/06

       Superconductors to Facilitate World's First Artificial Sun - 7/24/06

       Patent Claim Filed to Establish 150K High-Tc - 5/31/06

       More Evidence to Support Stripes' Contribution to HTSC - 04/26/06

       A New Application for HTS Wire:  Degaussing a Ship! - 04/6/06

       Nanodots Boost Supercurrent - 04/3/06

       Gravity Effect in Rotating Superconductors Confirmed - 03/26/06

       Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Superconduct at 12K - 02/14/06

       Another Superconductor Responds to Planar Weight Tilting - 1/7/06


       Negative-Refractive-Index Material Made From Superconductors - 12/20/05

       A Pseudogap Puzzle for Superconductors - 11/23/05

       BCS Theory Co-Developer, John Schrieffer, Sentenced to Prison - 11/09/05

       "Super" YBCO Created  |  A Market Challenger to Lucent - 11/8/05

       A New Intercalated Low-temp Superconductor - 08/30/05

       Confirmation:  Planar Weight Disparity Can Increase Tc in the Copper-Oxides - 08/16/05

       A New Method of Separating Superconductors from a Mix - 06/25/05

       DNA Nanowires Exhibit SQUID-like Behavior | PhysicsWeb - 05/17/05

       Superconductivity via Protons? | New Scientist - 05/07/05

       Superconductor Makes Nano-Refrigerator Possible - 04/28/05

       High Tc, Low Toxicity:  115K Superconductivity in Sn-3212-Tm  -  03/05/05


       Layering-Dependent Superconductivity | with Tc Oscillations - 12/09/04

       A New Form of Superconductivity: Odd Parity - 11/11/04

       Giant Proximity Effect | Theory Becomes Fact - 10/19/04

       Superconducting Generator Powers Microwave Weapon | AP - 10/04/04

       BaZr Increases YBCO Current Density | UC/CAM/LANL - 9/9/04

       First All Metal Perovskite Superconductor Gets Wired | APS - 8/25/04

       Oxygen Isotope Helps Confirm Phonon HTSC Role | UC Berkeley - 8/16/04

       Superconductivity Seems to Follow Scaling Relation Law | BNL - 7/30/04

       China's First Superconductor Power Grid Becomes Operational - 7/15/04

       New Clues Toward an HTSC Theory | Collective Magnetic Excitation - 6/03/04

       Strong Evidence of Superconductivity in SWNT Ropes - 5/19/04

       Russians Report Superconducting Diamond | Physics Web  - 3/31/04

       A Quantum Improvement in MRI Sensitivity | Berkeley Labs  - 3/15/04

       A Theory for Superconductivity in the Oxo-Cuprates | "Magnetic-Pairing"  - 2/19/04


     "Hi-Tc Update" Stops Publishing After 16 Years  | Funds Finally Run Out - 12/31/03

      Fluoroargenate Superconductivity | Is This It ? - 12/17/03

      Another Superconductor with a Pyrochlore Structure - Physics Web - 12/16/03

      Superconducting Aluminum Spots Single Photons of Light - Physics Web - 10/22/03

      2003 Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded for Superconductor and Superfluid Theory - 10/07/03

      The Case for RTSC in Carbon Nanotubes  |  20 Markers and Counting - REVISED 12/17/04

      Phosphorus Challenges Lithium for Type 1 High-Tc - BCC is Better - 9/04/03

      LiBC Doesn't Live Up to Expectations  (PDF File)  - But CuB2-xCx Might! - 7/03

      Digital Switching with Vortices  |  The "Logic" Inherent in Superconductors - 6/20/03

      MgB2 Theory Confirmed  |  Is Commercial Viability Approaching? - UPDATED 6/07/03

      No Mixing of Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism   |  Nature - 4/23/03

      New Superconductor Property Confirmed   |  A Slick Discovery - UPDATED 4/08/03

      Superconductors to Sustain Internet Growth ?  |  The Need for Speed - REV. 4/03

      FFLO Superconductivity Found in CeCoIn5  |  The Rarest of the Rare - 4/03

      A Superconducting E-bomb  |  The U.S. Military Uses It On Iraq - UPDATED 3/25/03

      Layered Superconductor Contains Water Molecules - 3/6/03

      A Superconducting Bloch Oscillating Transistor  |  Are Quantum Computers Next ? - 2/18/03


      A Transuranic Superconductor  |  With a Surprisingly High Tc ! - 11/20/02

      A.A.A.S. Pulls 8 Papers  |  Schon's Co-Authors React - 10/31/02

      Osaka University Finds SC in Lithium  |  20K at 48 GPa - 10/10/02

      Theory Explains Superconductivity in MgB2  |  It's Not Just Another Alloy - 8/02

      Virginia to Get US' First Maglev  |  "Floating" a New Idea - 6/02

      Inverse Proximity Effect Boosts Tc  |  Set Out the Good Silver! - 5/06/02

      Magnetic Resonance Takes the Lead by a Nose  |  It's a Horserace! - 1/24/02

      HTS Phonon Influence Confirmed  |  The "Kink" Tells the Tale - 1/14/02

      Scientists Develop Superconducting Camera  |  Smile! You're on "S-Cam" - 1/13/02


      A Theoretical Setback  |  Electrons Are Fickle in (Pr, Ce)2CuO4 - 12/12/01

      Gold-based High-Tc Oxocuprates   |  A Tc near 99K - 8/30/01

      A Superconducting Gravity Generator?   |  Podkletnov's Follow-Up Discovery - 8/10/01

      The Iron Age of Superconductivity   |  A Tc of 2K at 20 GPa - 7/19/01

      Boron Yields to Pressure   |  Unusual Metallic Behavior - 7/12/01

      Zero Resistance without Cooper-pairing  |  Ballistic Quantum Wire - 5/01

      A 15K Nanotube  |  Carbon Superconducts in a ROUNDabout Way - 4/7/01

      Superconductive DNA   |  It's in the Genes - 1/01


      A 91K Tungsten-Bronze   |  The First Non-Cuprate HTS - REV. 10/00

      Superconductors Achieve Major "Gains"   |  The First Superconductor Amplifier - 7/00

      A 58K Magnet-Superconductor   |  The Impossible Realized - REV. 4/00


      Magnetism-vs-Superconductivity   |  Friends After All ? - 4/99

      Superconductors See the Light   |  The Most Sensitive Light Detector Ever - 1/99

      200K for a Bismuth Compound ?  |  Doubling Tc's with Molecular Strain - 7/98

      Oxygen and Sulfur  join the Type 1's  |  Performing Under Pressure - 98/97

Physics Organization Physics.ORG
Superconductivity News

Physics World IOP Physics World
Superconductivity News

Journal of Superconductivity & Novel Magnetism
Fast-tracking Superconductor News


Superconductor Science and Technology
A Forum for Workers in the Field of Superconductivity

ARXIV Superconductivity PrePrints
Superconductor News Before the Referees Rule